A kviddics vszzadai Eredeti cm: Quidditch through the Ages
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Quentin Reskesh: A stt erk: nvdelmi kalauz Eredeti cm: The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self–Protection
A tojstl a pokol tzig Eredeti cm: From Egg to Inferno
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Emeric Ripsropsky: Az tvltoztatsrl kezdknek Eredeti cm: A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration
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Arsenius Mixel: Ismerkeds a varzsitalokkal Eredeti cm: Magical Drafts and Potions
Kortrs varzslk nagy knyve Eredeti cm: Notable Magical Names of Our Time
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Gthe Salmander: Legends llatok s megfigyelsk Eredeti cm: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Modern mgiatrtnet Eredeti cm: Modern Magical History
Adalbert Goffrid: Modern varzslselmlet Eredeti cm: Magical Theory
Nagy–Britannia s rorszg shonos srknyfajai Eredeti cm: Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland
Srknybartok kziknyve Eredeti cm: A Dragon Keeper's Guide
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